Thursday 14 July 2011

powerfull Japan disaster

Government agency the Nuclear Regulatory taught with a focus on five scenarios, including the possibility of the earthquake on both the tsunami struck the reactor, and when assessing the nuclear safety under the title of "stress tests" What is called for inclusion in the wake of the crisis Daiichi Fukushima, government sources said Wednesday.The Agency for Nuclear Safety and industrial aims to compile the draft plan, later this week, perhaps, for how they will conduct safety assessments, which will be implemented in two phases. And another watchdog, the Commission on nuclear safety, check whether the project plan reactors appropriate.Nuclear idled for a regular check-ups will be subject for the first stage for the resumption of the process, with the study of the extent of assistance that key facilities will be able to withstand damage in the event of severe natural disasters on the scale more expected.waves of tsunami to the compound of Gush near the Unit 4 reactor at the Fukushima nuclear complex in the Dai Ichi Okuma, Fukushima prefecture, northeast of Japan.The the second phase of tests will be more comprehensive and implemented in all nuclear power plants. Based on these results, Japan's nuclear reactors that are currently in a process that can be suspended.The sources said that the first phase of the analysis may adopt a simpler method of the second stage, in a way that does not go away from what has been achieved to reduce the actual study, but whether can withstand a certain level of impact.The method called PSA uses the digital data representing all possible accidents and the frequency of earthquakes that may occur in nuclear power plants and their impact. But can not evaluate each of the five cases by method.Of five scenarios, the two remaining from the reactor when it loses power, and when you are working to take the heat from the reactor using sea water, but fails. And flooded the road leading to the compound of Dai Ichi Fukushima nuclear power plant as the tsunami struck established after the devastating earthquake in the town of Okuma, Fukushima prefecture, northeast of Japan.The stages I and II of the analysis conducted by the utilities operating nuclear power will provide plants and agency of nuclear safety, and will consider the decision of the Agency by the Nuclear Safety Commission.

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