Thursday 10 January 2013


The Bureau of Meteorology said and recorded the lowest temperature in the three degrees Celsius in the northern town of Syedpur.A cold wave that saw 

cold weather
temperatures drop on Thursday to its lowest level in the history of post-independence Bangladesh, killing about 80 people, officials said.The Bureau of 

Meteorology said and recorded the lowest temperature at three degrees Celsius (37.4 Fahrenheit) in the northern town of Syedpur and Red Crescent Societies 

said hospitals were overwhelmed patients with respiratory diseases.He said Shah Alam, deputy head of the weather bureau, and the last time the temperature 

has dropped to less than three degrees Celsius in February 1968, when Bangladesh was still part of Pakistan.The temperature is the lowest in the history of 

Bangladesh.The Red Crescent Society said poor rural areas hardest hit was the largest number of people can not afford warm clothes or heating.They are not 

ready to extreme weather like this. Could not be that many even go to work," said Assembly Secretary-General Abu Bakr.According to the reports of the 

district offices and local administrations we have about 80 people died due to cold-related diseases such as pneumonia, respiratory problems, coughing," 

Baker added.Bangladesh, a tropical country, usually sees temperatures dropped to about 10 degrees Celsius at this time of year.The Bureau of Meteorology said 

that it is expected that the temperature rises on Saturday.

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