Thursday 8 September 2011

Global warming even very serious

We often think of global warming as something found only in books, magazines, and news daily. We do not have any idea how close we are to the situation that is irreversible and hopeless, and the extent of our land has changed from bad to worse. This is due, perhaps, for our own actions or negligence of willful ignorance continued to warn against over-reliance on fossil fuels, burning, and propellants harmful Khorram Hadzna a precaution against the heat of the sun.
But the risk of global warming is in fact very real. We are now on the threshold of a comprehensive crisis. Some studies is expected that in the next five years, unless the people will take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, 6 billion people will die as a result of global warming. And high temperatures are unusual, and the melting of the glaciers gradually we have, and the consequent rise in sea level are just a few telltale signs that climate change is only on the threshold of the door.About 40% of the carbon dioxide that accumulates in the atmosphere comes from the production of electricity, and a stunning 93% comes from burning coal. 33% comes from burning fossil fuels, but is expected to double the percentage due to increased demand for more cars and cars.
Methane gas is an additional threat to the situation. Increased demand for food due to population growth calls for the production on a large scale in the field of livestock, and thus increase the amount of methane and carbon dioxide from the animal waste. Can also come from an unexpected source, at the bottom of the sea in the Arctic. Locked inside the ice crystal structures is the clip of methane, which escapes when melted in the atmosphere, and exacerbate the situation.Trees act as natural air filters that purify the air we breathe. It's our first line of defense against air pollution. It provides us with our life support system, without any form of life which will remain in place. Has lost much of its forests for our manufacturing. Skyscrapers, factories, and a very complex occupies a lot of industrial land, where most of the trees once stood. Far from being our best to restore the natural balance through reforestation ES compared with the large size of the greenhouse gases we accumulate in the atmosphere. It will not be long before they become our oxygen levels are very low and we end up breathing in carbon dioxide than oxygen.The impact of global warming, even very serious, can be traced back to a mere possibility. Unless we deal with the problem seriously, or find another planet suitable for life, the human race does not stand a chance of the consequences of global warming.

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