Thursday 11 August 2011

Massive landslide in NW China

It is now known more than 700 people died in a massive landslide in northwest China - making it one of the heaviest fighting so far in the worst floods in the country since a decade.Explore the rescuers with sniffer dogs on the man, what Shindan Liu, who was in a state of weakness, but breathing normally.Landslides hit the remote town of Gansu Province Sunday, with a multitude of mud and rocks that swept large areas of the mountain community in the deadliest incident so far in the worst floods in the country since a decade.And engineers were battling Tuesday to drain Lake unstable generated by a landslide in the country's deadliest in a decade, threatening misery for the new north west of the country destroyed if bursts its banks.Dianmu with a tropical storm heading to the north of China - are expected to bring strong rain - was the highest priority to maintain the abundance of lake flooding, or cause catastrophic collapse of the temporary dam.And dropped the water level behind the barrier a little bit after the controlled explosions create a channel to turn off some.

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