Saturday 4 June 2011

Natural disaster relief special training

Given the frequency of natural disasters in the world and the devastation that they cause, one would have expected public institutions to welcome offers of training in survival methods, but not the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE). According to a senior official, the FDE showed no interest in the offer of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) to train some 400,000 students in its institutions in disaster management training free of cost.CDA`s emergency and disaster management (EDM) directorate had sent a letter containing the offer to the director general of the FDE a few months back but got no response.The official said the EDM wing had highlighted the importance of the training to cope with any natural disaster, especially an earthquake.“The CDA had offered the FDE director general that its EDM wing can impart disaster management training to the 400,000 students studying in around 400 educational institutions in the capital,” said the official.He said looking at the rising disasters the world over, a proper training programme for the students on disaster management drills would be highly beneficial to save lives. However, it seems that the FDE is not interested in the offer, he regretted.“The EDM wing is capable of imparting training to such a large number of students within a few months.”The official said they had even sent a reminder to the FDE but still there was no response.In our reminder: “We have drawn her attention towards the much needed training which can be vital for saving lives during natural disasters.”
It may be noted that several thousands students were killed in the October 2005 earthquake which hit parts of northern Pakistan, including Azad Kashmir.ISLAMABAD: Mild shocks of earthquake jolted various parts of Khaber Pakhtunkwa and federal capital on Sunday at 11.48 am.The magnitude of the quake was recorded as 4.7 at international and its epicentre was 41 kilometres deep and 64 kilometres north west of Mansehra, met office reported.No loss of life was reported as a result of the earthquake.

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