Monday 23 April 2012

Three basi reasons........ end of the world 2012???

1=natural disasters. Expectations of each center on the increase in natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunami activity and extreme weather events.
2=Increasing global tensions, war and nuclear attacks. Generally this includes all the Middle East and the United States and China.Pole shift the earth. Changinging magnetic alignment and causing ice caps to melt and landscapes in the world to change completely, causing billions of deaths.
3=made many predictions Interestingly, in these events for thousands of years and it has. A little nervous they have started to happen just as expected
May be useful to the investigation of your time in this end of the world, and theories can open your eyes to what can happen on our planet today, and perhaps helps to explain why we (probably) do not have a lot of time remaining.When we look at today's world with environmental and social unrest. And hunger, climate change, and tensions in the Middle East, and the growing population explosion. You have a tendency to think, somethings gotta give.Add to the mix of the Bible and many ancient civilizations and the expected date of the end of the world and even that date was 2012, and you gotta make her wonder.