Monday 13 August 2012

Iran,tehran earthquake,up to 300 killed andup to 3100 injured

Strong earthquakes struck northwestern Iran on Saturday, the head of emergency services in the country.And multiple rounds of in reference to the major cities in the region and a neighboring province.The official toll, which was presented in a report to Parliament, and published on the website of the parliament, and a big jump during the last one given on Sunday by Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar, who spoke of 227 dead and 1380 wounded.A single Dastjerdi that among the dead, 306, hospital morgue counted 219 of women, children and men 49. It seemed to contrast with the total comes from the fact that it was buried some of those killed by their families before officials arrived at the scene.Thrust earthquakes 6.4 and 6.3 degrees on the scale of the moment through the volume of north-western Iran on Saturday and settlement built of brick and concrete houses in the villages to the north-east of the city of Tabriz.He called on the authorities of the rescue operations on Sunday after he was pulled all the possible survivors.A single Dastjerdi "We are continuing to search for bodies."She also said that among the 3037 injury, and most - and provided first aid at the scene, while the rest were taken to hospitals for treatment - 2011. She added that the implementation of certain surgical operations 700.

Saturday 11 August 2012

powerfull earthquake hits iran

And killed up to 50 people and 400 wounded, and two powerful earthquakes struck northwestern Iran on Saturday, the head of emergency services in the country.
And multiple tours in reference to the major cities in the region and a neighboring province.Other officials said two powerful earthquakes struck in quick succession, prompting panicked residents fleeing from their homes.Measure the temblors, which occurred near Tabriz, and home to 1.5 million people and 6.2 and 6.0 on a scale the size of this moment, according to the seismic center of the University of Tehran.Classified U.S. Geological Survey, which monitors earthquakes around the world, as a stronger, at 6.4 and 6.3, respectively.Survived unscathed Tabriz itself, regardless of the observed cracks in buildings.
But neighboring villages, and were "a concern," said provincial governor Ahmed Ali Reza Beigi state television, adding that he is not yet able to give the outcome of infections in general.The Seismological Center at the University of Tehran in the first quake hit at 04:53 (1223 GMT), with only 60 kilometers from the center of Tabriz, near the town of Ahar, and a depth of 10 kilometers.Moved in 11 minutes later from a spot almost the same amount - Episode II - 1 large earthquake. A series of 11 smaller aftershocks, the classification of 4.7 or less, quickly.Iran sits at the crossroads of several major fault lines and is prone to frequent earthquakes, some of which was devastating.It was the deadliest earthquake 6.6 on the Richter scale that hit the southern city of Bam in December 2003, killing 31,000 people - about a quarter of the population - and the destruction of the ancient city of mud castle.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

italy eartquake,and italian prime minister promise!

A strong earthquake shook northeastern Italy on Tuesday, killing 16 people and wounding at least 350 days only after the last earthquake in the same area was withdrawn and death wrought destruction.One woman alive from the rubble in the town Tuesday, evening.Authorities Cavezzo has hit the region between 1056 GMT and 1101 GMT by three aftershocks between 5.1 and 5.3 degrees above, and after the earthquake measuring 5.8 hit just after 0700 GMT when people were heading to the first quake hit about work.The 60 km to the east of Parma, and in accordance with the The quake occurred, Institute of Geography of the city of Modena, and made the panicked residents rushing into the streets in cities including Pisa and Venice.The authority civil protection late yesterday updated losses quake killed 16 people and wounding about 350, while The authorities warned that more aftershocks were possible in the coming days. "Sequence (of aftershocks) and will be long and we can not rule out that other strong earthquakes can happen," said Stefano Gresta, head of the country's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV). Earthquake on Tuesday followed and saw the earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 Northeast Industrial on May 20 that killed six people and left thousands of homes in a makeshift tent, with many historic homes and buildings reduced to earthquake rubble.Tuesday is all over the North and central Italy, causing the collapse of schools, homes and structures weakened by the quake nine days ago and raised a new fear among the already jittery citizens.In Pisa, home of the famous Leaning Tower, the evacuation of offices as a precaution. People ran out into the streets of shops and offices in Milan and Bologna Valley Aosta, close to border.There French were moments of panic in the city of Venice, where the statue fell to the ground, which led to a minor injury passerby.Workers automaker Italian laid-makers were evacuated Ferrari , Lamborghini of Ducati and factories as a precautionary measure, all schools in the affected area to remain closed to the President Wednesday.Italian Mario Monti Minister promised that "the State will do all that needs to be done as soon as possible to ensure the return of normal life in this important region of Italy." about 7,000 people have fled their homes in the north-east Italy in the earthquake over a week ago are still living in the camps about 89 erected in the fields and the fields of sports, and parking and the area came schools.The through a series of earthquakes and aftershocks over the past two weeks. The authorities have registered at least 800 earthquake since May 20.The last disaster struck just over three years after the earthquake of 6.3 on the Richter scale devastated the city of L'Aquila in central Italy in March 2009, killing about 300 people and displaced tens of thousands homeless.

Monday 23 April 2012

Three basi reasons........ end of the world 2012???

1=natural disasters. Expectations of each center on the increase in natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunami activity and extreme weather events.
2=Increasing global tensions, war and nuclear attacks. Generally this includes all the Middle East and the United States and China.Pole shift the earth. Changinging magnetic alignment and causing ice caps to melt and landscapes in the world to change completely, causing billions of deaths.
3=made many predictions Interestingly, in these events for thousands of years and it has. A little nervous they have started to happen just as expected
May be useful to the investigation of your time in this end of the world, and theories can open your eyes to what can happen on our planet today, and perhaps helps to explain why we (probably) do not have a lot of time remaining.When we look at today's world with environmental and social unrest. And hunger, climate change, and tensions in the Middle East, and the growing population explosion. You have a tendency to think, somethings gotta give.Add to the mix of the Bible and many ancient civilizations and the expected date of the end of the world and even that date was 2012, and you gotta make her wonder.